سایر محصولات از این دسته
Avaya License IPO R10 ACCS ENABLEMENT UPG (383735) لایسنس آوایافروش لایسنس IPO R9 ESSNTL ED ADI LIC (275631) AVAYA آوایاAvaya License IPO R10 AV IP ENDPT 1 UPG PLDS LIC (383720) لایسنس آوایا
Upgrade license
To upgrade existing systems to the latest release, upgrade licenses are required. Upgrade licenses are sold separately. Customers can only upgrade to the latest equivalent of their existing Edition.
Upgrading from a previous release of Basic Edition to the latest version of Essential Edition is not a valid upgrade path.
383720 IPO R10 AV IP ENDPT 1 UPG PLDS LIC Avaya IP endpoint upgrade
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